46. What are the things startups have to get right? Let’s split this into two distinct categories. Let’s first talk about what you don’t have to get right: • Rock star Founders? Not required. Yes, to build the next Slack, the next Amazon, the next Tesla, whatever, you probably need the next Elon Musk. But many founders at very successful start-ups are smart and driven, but no Elon Musk. I’m not / wasn’t. • Amazing Technology? Nope. See Airbnb and 100s of others. • First to Market? Of course not. See Google, Jet, etc. Definitely can help. But not really necessary. • 10x Better than Incumbents. Only sort of required. Yes, your new product does have to better than the existing guys. But sometimes only in just 1 small, but important, way. And sometimes just cheaper and best service also work without any real different features. • Domain expertise. Not required. Helps, yes. But you can learn a lot if you are 100% committed. In most categories, you can become a domain expert in about 2 years. Close 100+ customers, you learn a lot. • Work 100 Hours a Week? It helps. But it doesn’t make the business. But time in the office is not as important as time spent thinking about the business. What you do have to get right: • Total commitment. It will take you most likely 24+ months just to get to real paying customers. And 7–10 years to build something of any scale. Most so-called “founders” are not this committed. You’re already ahead of 98% of the folks at WeWork and Galvanize if you are 100% committed to doing the time. • Product-market fit. You do have to eventually get to a minimum sellable product. You have to find a product the market wants to buy. SAASTR.COM 42
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