78. What is a good benchmark for B2B SaaS sales cycles? What factors/characteristics effect this number: size of the deal, complexity of the product, etc.? To overgeneralize, but to give you a rough sense: These are sales cycles from High Probability Opportunities. I.e., prospective customer has said there is a high likelihood he/she will buy, says it is budgeted (if deal size is big enough to matter), and sales rep believes this is true. It may take one call to get you a High Probability Opp. It make take you 2 years. So I’m not counting that time, though you may be ... Once you are there: • Deals < $2,000 in ACV should close on average within 14 days. • Deals < $5,000 in ACV should close on average within 30 days. • Deals < $25,000 in ACV should close on average within 90 days. • Deals < $100,000 in ACV should close on average within 90-180 days depending on # of stakeholders and gates. • Deals > $100,000 in ACV will take on average 3-6 months to close. Of course, some faster, some shorter. But on average. My experience. It will vary. If the business process change is HUGE (e.g., ERP) it will be far, far longer. If no business process change is involved, it can be shorter. But I think this will give you a general sense. SAASTR.COM 75
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