74. How do I hire a sales executive for an enterprise SaaS startup? What’s a good place to advertise the position? What are questions to ask during the interview? What are red flags to watch out for? I’m assuming you haven’t hired a SaaS sales exec before, based on that question. That’s true of most SaaS founders. It was true of me too. Let me make a few simple suggestions from my learnings: Use a Sales Exec Recruiter. Don’t cheap out and try to avoid paying a recruiter fee. If you had a good network here yourself, you would’ve already have used it. And the last thing you want is 100 Craigslist responses. I doubt any will be good enough. Use a recruiter that does nothing but sales reps of your ACV or type. Pay them, and be very responsive to them. They’re on a contingent basis, so don’t leave them hanging. Also, I love using one of the various video recruiting sites as well. You post a video telling them about how great your product is, the rep sends back a video telling you why he or she can sell your product until the cows come home. This worked well for us too. Amazingly effective filter, and on your side, it’s a chance to pitch prospective reps on why you are offering a great opportunity for them. Remember, the good ones you’ll have to sell back ... Insist on 2-3 Years+ of Experience at Your Deal Size. Don’t go too green or inexperienced. You can’t because you don’t know yourself. Again, don’t go too cheap here or you’ll pay more in hard and soft costs in the end. Get 2-3 years of on-point experience, i.e. at a SaaS company that sells at your approximate price point. Don’t worry about on-point domain expertise. Don’t try to hire someone out of your vertical or niche. You can help the rep there. Instead, try to find someone great who can sell at your price point and type of sale (transactional vs. solution). If your product is truly a technical sale, you may need reps -- at first -- that have made technical sales. But even in that case, the products don’t have to be remotely similar. It’s much more important the ACVs are similar. References Really Do Matter Here -- from Customers too if possible. Sometimes, references are just a check the box exercise. Not here. If his or her last SAASTR.COM 71

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