FORWARD If starting company were easy, everyone would do it. Getting a startup to initial traction and then scale is something incrementally harder than you could ever imagine. Those around you who aren’t founders will think it’s “glamourous” to be the CEO of a 4+ person company and be uber jealous that you write your own name on the checks but … What if you’re just starting out and can’t close your first 10 customers? What do you do when you have no money to make payroll? What if all the VC’s pull out? What do VC’s look for in a financial model? Who should make up your first 100 hires? Where do most startups fail? I wish had known the answers to these questions years ago. But back then there wasn’t anything around like SaaStr. So in 2012, I started a simple WordPress blog and began answering a few questions on Quora to share my learnings of going from $0 to $100M ARR at EchoSign. Fast forward to today, and SaaStr is now the world’s largest community for B2B/ SaaS Founders— it’s where the Cloud meets. SaaStr has become a community where SaaS founders, executives, and investors from all over the globe come together to share their best leanings, insights, and practices around building and scaling. It all started with sharing learnings. If this helps you scale a little faster, or further with a little less stress and a bit more success, take that as a W. V SAASTR.COM